What is the Burger Menu?
The Burger Menu is the navigation screen that appears when users click on the burger icon in the Burger Navigation Mode. Instead of a traditional horizontal menu, the burger menu provides a clean, expandable navigation layout, making it an excellent choice for sites with many pages or for those who prefer a minimalist header.
What you can customize:
Upload custom logo - (ex. if you have black website with white logo, but need black logo on white burger menu)
Custom Logo size
Background color - the color of the menu when it's open
Close icon color
Navigation Links capitalization - you can leave original, or choose ALL CAPS, First Caps, or lowercase
Navigation Links Layout - center, right, left
Navigation links - font, color, weight, top - and bottom padding
Logo ( if typed) - Logo color
Sublogo Color
Footer - Color for the navigation inks and elements in the footer section
Social icons - Black, White, colored